My old neighborhood

This is where I grew up from 5 years old until I left for college. It shaped who I am today.

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Frankenstein 2021

A rare political post for me. For some reason, @RepMTG reminds me of the monster from Frankenstein 1970. Maybe the dead facial expression, the dead eyes? The #GOPSeditiousTraitors created her and we all know how every movie turns out. #VoteBlue #ProtectDemocracy #GOPBetrayedAmerica
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The Truth About The Economy

My dear Friend Steve Lattman wrote this piece about the reality of 21st century economics. This needs to be read and read and read again. Very well written from a person I admire and who has a window on economics that most people, including myself, do not really grasp. I’ve been so busy working on a micro level, in trying to alleviate suffering one person at a time, that I sometimes miss the bigger picture. Thank you my friend.

“I don’t know…

I think people are focusing on the wrong things, and the reason that Trump won. Blue collar workers (honestly, of ALL colors) around the country are frightened that the way of life they live and have been promised is gone, and they’re frustrated and scared. They’ve been lied to by both parties for so long that they don’t know where to turn. They keep watching frightening things on TV about things going on around the globe, and they don’t have answers, so they’re blaming everything in the world on immigrants, and politicians, and bankers, and anyone they sense is a power broker, and they’re desperate for answers. The truth is, as Jack Nicholson famously said, they can’t “handle the truth”. 

Those factory jobs are never coming back, not in the amount they they want, and not at the pay that they seek, and as long as we allow politicians and the news media and the bankers to continue to lie to them, the longer they’re going to lash out, and the closer and closer we are going to veer towards a fascist government. 

We’re still lying to them. 
For instance, we’re rapidly moving towards driverless vehicles, and we’ll be there within the next few years. When that happens, millions of truck driver and transportation jobs will disappear along with those middle class wages, and no one wants to speak about it, regardless of their political affiliation. 
This INCLUDES Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Not once have we heard a politician mention this. They all stand up there, and regardless of their affiliation, the lies continue, the fingers point in different directions, and the frightened, huddled masses stand around getting more and more confused and angry. 
The world economy has changed, and I know this first hand. This is what I do for a living. 
When and if transportation costs rise significantly (and stay there for an extended period of time), companies will find that it’s less expensive to build products in the states, rather than ship containers from southeast Asia (or trucks up from Mexico), and invest in factories and capital equipment. When and if that happens, the factories will be automated, and the number of factory jobs will make it difficult (if not impossible) for unions to regain their dominant hand and force high wages. 
In the meantime, petroleum costs have been stable for too many years, and with the advent of fracking in this country, they’re not likely to spike anytime soon. Transportation costs have remained stable. 
I’m tired of blaming companies for moving the jobs overseas. Let’s stop this nonsense. Go to a Wal-Mart parking lot and count the cars there. The companies didn’t decide to move the jobs to places where the labor rates were lower. The people did. They voted with their feet and their wallets, and the longer we sit around and lie to people, the more we’re going to tip towards fascism. For years, I’ve been FORCED to close US-based factories, because the public wasn’t willing to pay a few pennies more for the merchandise. It SUCKS to call in workers and lay them off, rather than see the company forced into bankruptcy. Stop blaming the companies. Blame our fellow Americans. 
As to opening factories here, jobs with high labor concentration are NEVER going to come back. It will always be less expensive to manufacture overseas, whether in China or elsewhere, and the factories that come back will be in highly automated industries, with low labor concentration, and high cube, as it will be too expensive to ship these products long distances. This includes resin products (plastics), where the industries are highly automated, and where you are shipping low dollar amounts per truckload (so the transportation cost per dollar is higher). 
You want to talk about real things? 
Discuss the need to invest in our infrastructure, to keep people employed, and to enable companies to reopen factories here when the economic climate is ripe. 
Discuss the need to invest in the new economy, which includes clean energy solutions. Make us a world leader, not a follower. 
Discuss the need to improve our education system, so that our people are educated and trained and can participate in this new economy. It’s critical to our survival. 
Talk about shoring up our construction industry, which employs local labor, and will keep the US economy humming. 
Talk about welcoming immigrants and the disenfranchised, who make our culture and our lives richer by their presence. Without them, we are doomed to fail. 
Let’s stop getting sucked into these ancillary conversations, and stop allowing everyone, EVERYONE (including Bernie and Elizabeth) from perpetuating these myths about NAFTA and finding scape goats for the problem that plagues us, which is that our world has changed and no treaty, and no pontificating, is going to bring the world back to the 1950’s, where mom sat home raising the children, and dad marched over to the giant factory to work. 
Enough already with long conversations about Bernie and Hillary and Donald the Douchebag, and tax abatements to Carrier. This is all white noise, in my opinion. 
People are understandably frightened about their future, and the future for their kids. Let’s deal with those issues.”
Steve Lattman 12/02/2016

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Termination Of Treatment: A Study Of The Problems Encountered And Their Management

In August 1978 I completed my Research Project for my Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. Thirty eight years later and it has reached the Internet. I’m actually quite proud of it because it concerned an area of clinical practice that at the time was barely addressed. Managed care in the present day has made termination of treatment a part of the treatment plan from day one. In my concluding recommendations I wrote:

  1. termination should be planned from the very beginning of the treatment process, preferably during the initial contact

Sounds like managed care to me. Click on the link below for a PDF.

Termination Of Treatment: A Study Of The Problems Encountered And Their Management

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…on being a school social worker

This post is written for my Mesa Community College and Arizona State University social work students so that they can truly understand and appreciate the journey they have started. It is dedicated to the students of Bostrom Alternative Center (19 yrs) and Maryvale High School (9 yrs) where I spent my career as a school social worker and who taught me more than I ever learned in graduate school.

There are many things to love about being a social worker. Every day is a new experience with new challenges. The great thing about social work is that there are so many different settings in which to practice. Hospitals, mental health clinics, child protective services, geriatrics, hospice…basically, any system where people come for help, there will most likely be a social worker. I was lucky enough to spend 27 of my 31 years in direct practice as a school social worker in the Phoenix Union High School District.

Being a school social worker affords you the opportunity to see young people mature and grow over 4-5 years and sometimes more if the student is receiving special education services. There is more control of the variables in a school setting because you have access to students six hours per day for a school year. That’s if students don’t drop out. So, the primary role of a school social worker is to help students and parents solve problems that are interfering with the student’s ability to progress towards graduation. We work with students, hopefully see them graduate and we wish them well as they go out into the world. With social media such an important and integral part of people’s lives, you never know when you will “run” into a student. Recently, a former student who I have remained close to all these years posted a picture of us on Facebook and she added me to the Bostrom Alternative Center group page. I was overwhelmed by the comments of my former students. Here they are:

You were a great! Thank you for being there for us!!!

Without you Joe and everyone else there at Bostrom. I don’t think half of us would’ve made it out with a diploma! Thank you for all of your support Joe!!!!!

….. you always had a smile Joe! Thanks for that too…

I don’t only credit Joe with helping me get a diploma, but with saving my life as well! Never would have made it through those years without you, Joe!

I was just about to say the same thing! Had it not been for Joe I wouldn’t be here today! Wow…..Joe DePinto! Seeing you on here made my day!

I’ve looked for you for years to say “thank you” and to let you know I survived. So good to finally hear from you!

My life was out of control. Then I went to Bostrom and met Joe and TJ. I have them to thank for where I am today.

I was overwhelmed. We don’t go into this field for the thank you’s. If they come along, great. We know the work we do and the help we have given. I tell my students that they did all the work and I just supported them but you know what? It feels really good to hear these things.

There was a very popular book in 1978 called The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck and the only thing I remember about the book is that the author, a psychiatrist, said that therapists must love their clients in order to be able to help them. He didn’t mean a romantic love but rather loving them as human beings being worthy of love. That’s really all I did. I’ve always told my social work students that when we work with young people we have to sometimes assume a parental role. I ask them, “What would a healthy parent do in this situation?” We discipline with love. We make a distinction between the behavior and the child’s worth. They are always separate. Trust me, adolescents know how to push the buttons that make you angry and I do not want to give the impression that I was always happy with how students acted with me. Here’s the deal. You screw up today and there are consequences. Tomorrow when I see you, it’s a new day and we start over. That’s how I did my job. That’s how you love your students and if I didn’t treat them this way, there wouldn’t be those Facebook comments you see above.

I’m not listing these comments to toot my own horn or to say how wonderful I am. I’m listing them because when you’re tired from your work and you don’t think that what you do matters, remember that it does matter. Those comments you see?  They’re from students I worked with almost thirty years ago! They won’t ever forget you and when they say these things, all you need to say is, “It was my great pleasure to be there for you. Thank you for allowing me to help you.”

This is why I loved being a school social worker. Thanks for reading as I rambled on.

Here is the picture of me and Kristen from about 30 years ago, and in 2017


Joseph A. DePinto, LCSW

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When You Lose A Beloved Dog

All I can say is that I know how it feels when a personal dog dies and that it never gets easier, the older I get. However let it be a comfort to you that the pain will turn into great memories of lessons given to you by your dog; lessons about love, loyalty, happiness, forgiveness, courage, humbleness and zest for life and most importantly about yourself. I believe that dogs are God’s gift which he gave us so that we have a chance to learn from them these lessons. They are also here to give us comfort and encouragement when we are down. Thus our dogs are not just our guardians, but most importantly they are our teachers. And when their dog’s job is done, then they have to go to doggie heaven back to God. The pain we feel when the dog goes young or old is so great, I know. However it is only a bargain tuition which we pay for these great lessons, protection and happiness the dog so generously and selflessly gave us.

Cherish these lessons and remember that your dog is not buried in the woods under a tree or in the desert or in the urn, but please know that your dog is buried in your heart where he will live in your memories as long as you do. Any time you want your dog, he will jump smiling from the tall grass and remind you of the happy times which you have had together and will have forever. Be grateful for it. – Hans Blabla

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2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,700 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 28 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

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F.D.A. Seeks Tighter Control on Prescriptions for Class of Painkillers

They are basically talking about the reclassification of hydrocodone-containing painkillers as “Schedule II” medications from their current classification as “Schedule III” drugs.

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday recommended tighter controls on how doctors prescribe the most commonly used narcotic painkillers.

The move, which represents a major policy shift, follows a decade-long debate over whether the widely abused drugs, which contain the narcotic hydrocodone, should be controlled as tightly as more powerful painkillers such as OxyContin.

Read the NY Times article here.

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Psychotherapy’s Image Problem

An interesting article about the decline in patients seeking psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy’s Image Problem

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Where Are The New Advances in Psychotropics?

All of our current antidepressants, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety drugs share the same molecular targets in the brain as their prototypes from the 1950s.

Read the article here in the NY Times.

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